
Below is a collection of unlocked video training content from David Knox Real Estate Training. Please check out these free training videos, provide feedback and even sign up to be a Beta Tester with FREE access to over 500 David Knox Real Estate Training videos!

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In this rapidly changing global situation, we understand that more and more agents are having to work from home.

We want to help you get through the coming weeks, so we’ve unlocked a selection of training videos from our library below so anyone can watch them, no login required.

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David Knox

Unlocked Videos


Stay Focused in Challenging Times

A Message From David Knox

March 16, 2020 - As we all navigate the ongoing global situation I wanted to check in with you, our valued subscribers, and present some thoughts on how to navigate these challenging times.




What's New April 2020

A Message From David Knox



Generating Leads


How Top Producers use Technology to Generate Leads

Knox First Tuesday 113-2

Learn how this mastermind group of top producers uses technology specifically for lead generation and follow-up.


Sphere of Influence: Bothering vs Interrupting

Knox First Tuesday 118

One of the best sources for quality clients is your current sphere of influence database of friends, acquaintances and past clients. This video will give you the confidence and skills to make contact.


Time Blocking Discipline

Quick Tip 41

Marcus Necessary was on a top agent panel at his national company convention and stated that he really didn't do anything special to achieve his success. Upon further questioning we discover that perhaps it isn't a special technique but it is a special discipline of scheduling time blocks to perform prospecting activities.


Converting Leads


Building Familiarity vs. Direct Prospecting

Knox First Tuesday 110

If you find yourself working hard and doing the right things, yet not generating the leads and conversion you want, then you might be building familiarity instead of prospecting directly. That means being face-to-face or phone-to-phone then asking the right questions to determine if they’ll be a prospect today.


Respond to Inquiries...Now!

Knox First Tuesday 123

The unintended consequence of technology in real estate is that it requires a much faster response time. You need to have a plan and/or assistance for responding to inbound inquiries. This video will highlight the importance of being THERE as well as being good.


Six Steps to Converting Leads

Knox First Tuesday 136

With the myriad ways you’re receiving leads, you need to have a plan for converting them. In this video you’ll learn a six-step strategy for responding to any inquiry whether in person, on the phone or online.


Open House Demonstrations

Knox First Tuesday 119

Watch the three ways agents conduct themselves and approach prospects at an open house. This lively session will show you the proper way to engage potential buyers.




A Top Agent's Listing Process, Tami Holmes

Knox First Tuesday 124

Learn about how top agent Tami Holmes conducts her listings. She will take you through her steps from appointment, to listing, to pricing. Discover how her methods can make your own presentations smooth and professional.


Sam Miller: Listing Process

Real Estate Live 37-3

Sam Miller from Knox County, Ohio, goes over his listing process, from lead capture to closing. You'll hear about the importance of getting true motivation early, tips on what to include in your pre-listing package, and researching before the presentation.


How Do We List Without a Place to Buy?

Knox First Tuesday 120

David will show how to identify sellers who would like to move if they could and determine their level of motivation to risk in making a double move. He will also  provide a plan to list first, buy second.




Another Agent Will List it at a Higher Price

Quick Tip 57

Learn how to combat another agent "out bidding" you on listing price using analogies and examples.

Below is a link to a meteorologist ranting against his co-anchor's complaints about his weather report. Show this to your sellers when they complain about your "pricing weather" report!


The Pricing Storybook

Quick Tip 58

Stories sell, so create a book of lost listings that ended up in your Pricing Storybook instead of you Sold book. Demonstrate to sellers that you were right, but didn't get paid then ask which book they'd like to be in.




Manage Buyer Expectations

Knox First Tuesday 121

In a market with more buyers than sellers, you must prepare your buyers to be motivated, realistic and ready to purchase promptly. In this segment from a recent live seminar, David will show you how to educate your buyers to the market with respect and a bit of fun.


Overcome Buyer Objections...Not!

Knox First Tuesday 122

Be sure to watch until the END! We open and close this video with some humorous answers to objections. Many agents believe that an immediate answer is required to every buyer objection, no matter how big or small. In this video David and Dave (an actor) conduct role plays to demonstrate the right and wrong ways to respond.




Is Real Estate Professionalism Gone?

Knox First Tuesday 135

Marcie Roggow is a past board member for several NAR committees dedicated to improving industry professionalism. In this presentation, Marcie covers consumer expectations and the code of ethics for real estate agents.